Stay or go?

Current NCDOT plans for N. Highland Lake Road (U-5887) call for the removal of the Highland Golf Villas stone wall and the two large oak trees that mark the entrance to Highland Golf Drive. These are just a few of the many trees that will be cut down for the N. Highland Road project.

While the Village of Flat Rock Tree Preservation Ordinance (ordinance 79) permits tree removal for road projects, it’s important to remember these ordinance definitions:

Preservation area. The land area for a depth of one hundred feet from the edge of the traveled way along scenic byways and the land area for a depth of seventy-five feet from the edge of the traveled way along designated public roads.

Preservation tree. Any tree over six inches in DBH [diameter at breast height], located in a preservation area or a riparian buffer area.

Both of these definitions apply to the majestic oaks at the entrance to Highland Golf Villas, an area that will be eliminated.

The stated purpose of the village’s tree ordinance is:

The Village of Flat Rock enjoys unique characteristics as a historic, residential community with forested landscapes and scenic vistas along its scenic byways, designated public roads and elsewhere in the Village, and it is necessary to preserve the quality and health of the trees and natural vegetation that form so much of the traditional appearance of the Village. This is particularly true of trees that form the canopy over the state designated scenic byways and other public roads within the Village, some of which are over two hundred years old. The purpose of this ordinance is to maintain these unique characteristics. . .


6 thoughts on “Stay or go?

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  1. Trees and wall need to stay but Flat Rock councilmen in support of this stupid project must go!
    Speak up at next election and vote for new council members who understand the need in protecting Flat Rock!


  2. The more we learn about the plan details, the worse the situation is. How can those two big oaks be taken down and the council members who approved the plan sleep at night? It defies common sense … and for what reason? Ken Jones


  3. Save the beautiful tree lined drive. Stop destroying the charm of the area. Folks on Greenville. Hwy need to wake up because the village has their sites on it next. Say no to tree cutting and road widening


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