T-N: Councilman: NCDOT ‘not there yet’ on Kanuga Road widening plan

Miriam Hughes, one of the organizers of Save Kanuga Road, said the group feels misled. She believes other measures can be taken to improve the road’s safety that have not been addressed.

“We don’t feel quite heard even though we were led to believe that they were listening to us,” Hughes said. “So far it doesn’t look like they are really going to accommodate what our concerns are.”

Hughes said the Save Kanuga Road group will continue to fight the plan. She believes a majority of support from residents is needed before a project can proceed.. . . Continue reading

3 thoughts on “T-N: Councilman: NCDOT ‘not there yet’ on Kanuga Road widening plan

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  1. I agree with Miriam Hughes. The only thing wrong with Kanuga Road are the inconsiderate, speeding, traffic law breaking drivers who’s actions make the road dangerous. Sadly, as in many situations today safe sane driving is ignored and looked upon as some old fuddy duddy creeping along at 35mph in a 35mph zone and being an impediment in the way. How dare they?


  2. I don’t ever want to hear about Global Earming again. I saw a lady on WLOS that said she would lose 65 trees in her front yard, alone, if this project goes through…Why destroy all the trees, just to get to Dupont Forest, Pisgah Forest or the Blie Ridge Parkway faster, just to see a tree????? I don’t understand, except to take people’s property, destroy homes and animal habitats, just to get to a Forest…


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